Please contact us regarding any questions you may have about our office. We will also be pleased to provide you information regarding general criminal prosecution issues.
However, we can not discuss any specific criminal case with any member of the public. Likewise, we can not provide any legal advice regarding any civil issues.
Under no circumstances will we communicate with individuals who have pending criminal charges in Lincoln, Pike or Walthall Counties.
Our Pike County Office is two blocks from the Pike County Courthouse in Magnolia, Mississippi, and our Lincoln County Office is on the Second floor of the Lincoln County Courthouse.
We will respond to proper inquiries, as long as they comply with the regulations to the left, at our earliest convenience. Response time will be effected by our staff's court schedules and other work demands. In the event you need more prompt attention please contact our office by telephone.
Office of District Attorney Dee Bates ph: (601) 783-6677 - Pike Office alt: (601) 833-3811 - Lincoln Office