Office of District Attorney Dee Bates
ph: (601) 783-6677 - Pike Office
alt: (601) 833-3811 - Lincoln Office
The District Attorney's office handles the prosecution of all felony cases bound over by the justice and city courts of Lincoln, Pike and Walthall counties. In addition to a crime victims' assistance staff, this office also has a Bad Check Unit and a Pre-Trial Intervention Program.
The district attorney's victims' assistance staff is available to aid victims of crimes in all aspects of court proceedings and preparations throughout the criminal justice process. This service extends also to finding and connecting them with resources available to victims such as counseling and crime victim's compensation funds.
The Pretrial Intervention Program allows defendants to repay restitution, court cost and attorney fees over a three year period and avoid having a felony conviction on their record. The program can last up to three years. During that time the defendant is supervised by the District Attorney staff and is subject to monthly reporting and other conditions. Upon completion of the program the case against the defendant is dismissed. The program began in October 1995, and is available to first time offenders who commit certain non-violent property crimes, such as embezzlement and failure to support minor children.
The purpose of the District Attorney's Bad Check Unit is to aid in the collection of "insufficient funds" and "account closed" checks that are passed in the 14th district. The service provided by our office is free to the victims except when a complaint is withdrawn at which time the law states a $30 withdrawal fee is required. The law orders that all other fees are paid by the offender. To obtain a packet explaining the procedure for filing a complaint or to get a sign for your cash register you may click on the links below or call or visit either our Magnolia or Brookhaven office.
The Following are various forms which may be downloaded for your convenience:
Bad Check Unit Forms:
Crime Victims' Rights Forms:
Victim's Statement - Business Crime
Victim's Statement - Violent Crime
Victim's Statement - Nonviolent Crime
PTI & Child Support Forms:
Office of District Attorney Dee Bates
ph: (601) 783-6677 - Pike Office
alt: (601) 833-3811 - Lincoln Office